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Increase participation and reduce contamination with engagement tools from RecycleMax®

Municipalities of all sizes are challenged to achieve greater recycling program participation from citizens, businesses, schools, and other community stakeholders. And with increasingly tightened standards for material acceptance, minimizing contamination is paramount. A well-designed and executed educational and program management strategy is vital for recycling success.

RecycleMax® can provide your city with our comprehensive, proactive digital platform to make creating your program and the resultant communicating, educating, and collaborating it takes EASY.

Features & Benefits

Program Communication

One place to share news, events and information with program participants.

Resource Directory

Help program participants understand how to recycle and find markets for materials not covered in your program.

Service Reminders

Create automated SMS and email service day reminders for participants.

Training Resources

Access our library of educational videos and promotional media. Customize materials for your specific program.

Create Quizzes & Surveys

Educate and engage participants to improve performance. Create your own recycling "Badges" with participant rankings.


Incentivize user defined activities to increase participation and make recycling fun!

Materials Marketplace

Citizens and companies can post items available for recycling or donation to local schools and nonprofits.

Data & Analytics

A unified dashboard for collecting, analyzing and promoting your program recovery and environmental impact.

Call RecycleMax® today for a world of good

For over 30 years, RecycleMax has been a leader in providing recycling and disposal services for commercial, industrial and institutional facilities across the country. We can provide your company with solutions to your recycling challenges that will work cost-effectively and conveniently for years to come.

Call us for a free analysis at +1 (313) 883-4400 or email